In Memory

Bret Williams

Bret was killed in a car accident at the age of 27. He is survived by his only sister, Anne Graul. Bret was living in St. Thomas, USVI from 1983-1987, where he was an air traffice controller at that time.

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08/19/08 12:38 PM #1    

Dave Jordan

Bret was definitely one of the good guys with a fun sense of humor and laugh that I can still recall. I remember him having some challenges in his life, but he always seemed to hang tough. I think I remember him dreaming of the Virgin Islands, so I'm glad he got there. I wished he could have been at our 30th Reunion table cutting up with the rest of us!

01/28/09 12:13 PM #2    

Karen Boggs (Herrod)

I remember Brett Williams as a great Tennis Player at AHS c/78. I think he was the number two player on the team. He was always motivated and pleasant. He would have enjoyed seeing his classmates at the 30th Reunion.
Karen Boggs-Herrod

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